When it comes to mental-health issues, general practitioners don’t have the training or experience to make more than the most cursory analysis and recommendations. For someone presenting symptoms of depression, the quick and easy solution for a doctor is often drugs. Some will send you for "talk" therapy first or do both if they have tried to keep up with mental health issues.
Once they give you something if you do not come back, they assume it is working, that is why we must go back if we find the drugs not working. You need to not be afraid to keep going back to change them until you and your Dr find the right ones.There is such a vast number of drugs out there it can take a long time to find the right one or combination to assist you.
Another thing, when you are seeing your Doctor make sure he checks your blood pressure regularly, while sitting and standing up,,,mine dropped from 180/75 to 102/73 when I stood up. This is something new that is just coming to light, so at this point there is not a lot of investigation results yet. The drop in pressure is one reason I lose my balance and have a tendency to fall, the only thing we are not sure if it is happening because of the TIA's I had previously (which is what my Dr thinks) or side effects from the medications or something else altogether.
Hope this information helps you to keep searching for help/answers.
Very helpful. Thank God my Dr always checks my blood pressure.