Sunday, 6 March 2011

Mini Strokes (TIA)

The name tells you what they are,,,it is bad enough when you have depression, but having 2 mini strokes at some point in time,,,sometime in the past year or so is all the hospital neurologist.

I do get tired of falling, I am sore on my left side, my hip is killing me and when I go to bed ,I can only lay on the left side for 5 minutes.You get dizzy, you seem to be in another world, and if you stand up too fast, your blood pressure drops and you fall,  yet no one can say why this happens.

Is it part of the mini stroke when your blood pressure drops,some say yes,,,some say they do not know,,what a medical profession we have (you would think with all of the advances medicine makes they could find out the associations by now).

I was told to use a walker, so we went out and spent $250.00 on one, and yes I know I have to use it, but it is a very hard thing to accept ,especially if you are a proud person, but if it saves you from falling then using it will become a must,,,,still a hard thing to do.

I will keep my updates on going...hope any of what I write here helps those with depression and one and all,,,not much use not to.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, You are an inspiration to me and many others. Always remember that you are not alone in this battle.
