Monday 30 May 2011

The Value of Exercise!

Need someone to talk to—someone who understands what it’s like to deal with depression? Joining a support group could be just the way to finding the people who understand what you're experiencing.

I was reading that in the states Dr,s believe so strongly in the benefits of exercise for depression that doctors are beginning to routinely prescribe pedometers to all patients screened for depression.

The pedometer program is not meant to replace medication or therapy that may be beneficial to the patients. Exercise works because it increases the feel-good chemicals in your brain.  It also improves energy, relieves anxiety and helps sleep. Patients are encouraged to aim for 30 minutes or more of moderate physical activity, three to five days a week.  The pedometer helps in this process because it provides direct feedback about even modest gains in activity and encourages patients to progress to more vigorous exercise, which may help their depression even more.  HealthPartners Medical Group (HPMG)
Have you successfully used exercise to help with your depression?  What tips would you offer to others who are just beginning about how to get yourself motivated when you really don't feel like exercising?  

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