Sunday, 22 May 2011

Journal Entry

There are some side efforts created from taking medicine that are far worse than what the drugs were given to you for. You have to make up your mind if you want to come off of them if that becomes the case, alot of thought must go into this.

You also must look at the disability long term plan piece of things as well, if you come off your meds will they continue paying you as you need a d'"s note once year as to what treatments he/she has you on. For most people it will be an easy decision as they want the disability company to continue to pay you so you stay on the pills,to get paid.

We all know insurance companies can be a pain in the ass so we continue to take the meds so we do not have to explain the reasons why we are not on anything.

This may not make sense but the meds and insurance companies go hand in hand with each other, if you are on them you get paid easier than if you are not,,,,,,sad as it may be, but true.

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