Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Sleep Disorder

I have not been sleeping much lately (well lately probably isn't the right word as I have never slept well for as long as I can remember) but it seems my nights and days are all mixed up. It is hard at times to stay awake during the day and then lay awake all night as well. It takes it's toll after awhile.  I take sleeping pills, but they only seem to knock me out for an hour or so (which I guess at least I can say I get an hr or two if lucky of steady sleep). If it wasn't for the cat naps during the day I probably would not be functioning at all.

There are all kinds of sleep disorders such as:

Sleep Disorder Basics

It is important to recognize that though the symptoms of sleep disorders may be similar -- including excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue -- the causes may be quite distinct. Discover the varying subtleties of sleep disorders and learn some of the basic symptoms for each.

Thought for the Day
“No one can depress you.
No one can make you anxious.
No one can hurt your feelings.
No one can make you anything
other than what you allow inside.”

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for such a great posts for sleep disorders. Like this there are also have meaningful information in my blog related with sleep disorders.
