Saturday, 24 September 2011

Same Old

Hasn't been a good day.... I don't have much (if any) contact with my son's from first marriage, long story. But in the past week I had a conversation (if you can consider FaceBook a conversation), but you take what you can get, with John. I had asked for a newer picture of my grandson (as I don't have contact in person) and found out that he has a second child (meaning I have a second grandchild). He was a little surprised I did not know that (since he didn't bother to tell me not sure where he thought I would hear it from), just saying.

Anyway after about 25 years my exwive contracts me on facebook (gotta love FaceBook!) to tell me to leave the kids alone as they want no cotract with me. Now since John  had been sending me messages for about a week ,and I would answer, I thought he wanted some sort of contact (even if not in person),,,,but when I got her message it took the wind out of me and I keep playing her message over and over in my mind.

Guess it was not meant to be, I would have thought after all this time and them being adults now they could think and talk for themselves, but it seems that is not the case.

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